Hymes & Nachman


Dar, SC 29532

FAMILIES: Hymes; Nachman

Hymes & Nachman was co-founded by English immigrant Hyam Hymes (1833-1907) and German immigrant A. Nachman in 1854. Hymes and Nachman operated the general merchandise store together for two years before parting ways in 1856. In the decades to follow, Hymes continued developing his business empire, invested in real estate, and took an interest in local politics. In 1872, he was elected intendant of Darlington, essentially serving as the town’s mayor. Meanwhile, Nachman opened a series of stores in Darlington and Charleston and made yearly buying trips to Paris. He also made his fortune extending loans through the “lien plan” and selling cotton and fertilizer.

Main Image: Tailoring advertisement for Hymes & Nachman dated September 28, 1854. Image courtesy of Darlington County Historical Commission & Museum, Darlington, SC.


Above Image: Advertisement for Hymes & Nachman dated October 1, 1856. Image courtesy of Darlington County Historical Commission & Museum, Darlington, SC.

The Jewish Merchant Project is supported by the generosity of the Henry & Sylvia Yaschik Foundation and the Stanley B. Farbstein Endowment at the Coastal Community Foundation.

JHSSC Office
Sylvia Vlosky Yaschik Jewish Studies Center
96 Wentworth Street
Charleston, SC 29424
Phone: 843 953 3918