A. Loryea

Aaron Weinberg

Abraham Addlestone

Atlantic Neon Sign Service

Bargain Corner Store

Bob Ellis Shoe Store

Brotman Army-Navy Store

C.H. Moise & Co.

Carolina Instrument

Chase Furniture Co.

Cut Rate Service

Diamond Superette

Doobrow Grocery

Dora Levy

Dr. H. Baer

Eagle Men’s Store

Eagle News Stand

Edward’s at King and Morris

Edward’s 5 and 10 Cent Store

Edwin Warren Moise

Fannie Herzog

Fass & Berger

Fass & Mintz

Furchgott, Benedict & Co.

Garfunkel Bros.

George Goldberg

H. Becker & Son

Harris Needle

Henry Crinch

Henry Herzog

I. Ginsberg Inc.

I.M. Goldberg and Brother 

I. M. Pearlstine & Sons

Isaac Barrett & Co.

Isaac Ginsberg

Israel I. Fass

Isaac L. Mintz

Israel Truere, Grocer

J. Brotman & Son

J. Doobrow Clothing

J. Turtletaub & Co.

Jacob Brotman

Jacob E. Cohen, Grocer

Jacob Needle

Jacob Suares

Joseph Mintz

Julius Schwerin

Kohn, Furchgott & Benedict

L. Doobrow Grocery

Lee & Moise

Leon’s 5, 10, 1.00 Store

Lipman Cut Rate Foodland

M. Furchgott & Co.

M. Furchgott & Sons

M. H. Garfunkel

M. Iseman

M. Marks & Sons

Marks & Needle

Marks Friedburg

Mary Garfunkel

Morris Needle

Nathan Yaschik, Dry Goods

Nathan Yaschik, Grocer

N. Nathans and Co.

Philip Benjamin

Philip Moise

Raphael Brotman

Rebecca Benjamin

Rebecca Needle

Riverside Grocery

Robert Kahn Wholesale Company

S. Hirschmann & Son

Sam Friedman, Dry Goods

Sam Solomon Wholesale Jobbers

Simon and Henrietta Fass

Simons and Moses

Sinai Jacobosky

Solomon Link

Star Bargain House | Dixe Shoe Company

Tanchum Pearlstine

Thos. J. and C.H. Moise

Uptown Sample Shoe Store

White Star Grocery

Wolf Fass

Zalkin’s Kosher Meat and Poultry Market

Aaron Fass


Army-Navy Store

Assembly Furniture

B. Berman

B. Berry’s

B. Berry’s

B. Visanska

Baker’s Grocery

Baker’s Shoe Store 

Baker’s Shoe Repair


Barrett & Dunlap

Berry & Baker

Berry’s on Main

Berry’s on Main at Dutch Square

Berry’s on Main at Richland Mall

Berry’s on Main at Woodhill Mall

Berry’s Slipper Shop

Biggest Little Store

Bluestein Brothers

Breedin’s Drug Store


Carolina Camera Shop

Columbia Cigar and Tobacco Company

Columbia Shoe Fair

Columbia Steel and Metal Co.

Columbia Tailors

Convenience Sales Co.

Coral Gift Shop

Cricket Shop

D. Epstin’s Clothing Store

Donen’s Women’s Apparel

Edward’s Men’s Shop

Empire Linen Shop

Garber’s Dress Shop

Garber’s Shoes

Garber’s Shoes, Trenholm Plaza

George’s Antique Shop

H. Bamberg

Hyman’s Grocery Co.

I. Cassel Cigar Factory

I. D. Mordecai

J. David & Co.

J. Rubin & Son Co.

Joseph Garfunkel

Joe H. Epstin

Judah Barrett & Co.

King’s Jewelers

Kligman’s Army Store

Kline Iron & Metal Company


Rivkin’s Grocery

Leon Bluestein Wholesale Dry Goods Company

Leon Ritter Furs

Liberty Loan & Luggage Shop

Lourie’s Department Store

Lyons Grocery

M. Citron & Co.

M. David


Marietta Paint & Glass Company

Mark’s Men’s Wear (1625 Main St)

Mark’s Men’s Wear (1321 Main St)

Max Crane

Max Denberg Auto Parts

Moe Levy’s Army Store

Moe’s Liquor Store

Moses Garfunkel

Mid-Carolina Steel and Recycling Company

N. Lifchez & Sons

Red Star Store

Reliable Loan Office

Sam Bernstein Liquors

Southern Junk & Paper Company

Stern’s Department Store

Square Deal Jack’s

Stein’s Young Men’s Shop

Sunshine Sales

The Allan Shop

The Parisian Dress Shop

Tiny Tots Togs

Tobie Drucker Surplus

Tots to Teens

Uncle Sam’s Showplace of Values 

A. A. Solomons

A. A. Strauss & Co.

A.J. Moses

A.J. & P. Moses

Aaron Loryea

Aaron Pareira

Aaron Suares

Abraham Mazursky

Abram Brody’s Shoes

Ackerman Metals, Inc.

A. D. Harby

Addlestone Grocery

Agnes Moise Bogin

Alexander Averbuck


Altamont Moses

Atlantic Cotton Oil Company

B.J. Barnett, Inc.

Benjamin Komarow

Blessed Event Shop

Blum’s Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear

Booth-Harby Live Stock Company

Brody’s Department Store

Brody’s On Main

C.F. McFadden & Co.

Carlisle Strauss

Carolina Machinery Co.

Carolina Sales Company

Cecile Schwerin

Corner Cash Grocery

Drapery Contracting Corp.

Edward Solomons

E.W. Moise & Sons

Gordin Brothers

H. Harby

H. Schwerin

H. Siegel

Harby & Co.

Harby Brothers

Harry J. Ryttenberg

Harry Siegel, Inc.

Herbert Rosefield

Horace Harby

Isaac Strauss

J. Denemark

J. Ryttenberg & Sons

J. T. Solomons & Co.

Jack’s Department Store

Jacob Suares

Jenkins & Phelps

Julian Levy, Jr.

Julius Abraham Schwerin

Julius Morris

Julius Schwerin

Krasnoff’s Department Store

Krasnoff’s Kiddy Shop

L. Alpert’s

Levi Bros.

Levy & Moses

Leopold Strauss

Liberty Pawn Shop

Louis Lyon

Lucian Strauss

Marx Cohen

Mishkoff & Komarow

Moses Green

Moses Wholesale Grocery

N. Averbuck

Nathan Barnett


Per-Win Co., Inc.

Peter Dwight

Philadelphia Shoe Store

R. L. Butt

Ralph Loyns

Reliable Pawn Shop

Rose Hill Plantation

Roseknit Hosiery Company

Ryttenberg & Company

Samuel Weinberg

Schwartz Bros.

Schwartz Ready-to-Wear

Sol J. Ryttenberg

Sumter Automobile Supply Co.

Sumter Brick Yard

Sumter Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Company

Sumter Hosiery Mill, Inc.

Sumter Iron & Metal Co.

Sumter Roller Mills

The Battery

The Boston Store

The Capitol Department Store

The Economy Store

The Farmers’ Grocery

The Hub

The People’s Mercantile Co.

The Smart Shop

The Tavern

The Wreck Store

V. H. Phelps

Variety Liquor Store

Waverly Levy

The Jewish Merchant Project is supported by the generosity of the Henry & Sylvia Yaschik Foundation and the Stanley B. Farbstein Endowment at the Coastal Community Foundation.

JHSSC Office
Sylvia Vlosky Yaschik Jewish Studies Center
96 Wentworth Street
Charleston, SC 29424
Phone: 843 953 3918